Dramatic Hand Carved Letters …

Inhale The Past Exhale the Future - Indiana Limestone. Raised Lettering Size: 15 3/4(W) x 11 3/4"(H) x 1 1/4" (D) - $600

I first completed the phrase Inhale the Future Exhale the Past  for the 2020 Canadian Stone Carving Festival  in a V-Cut lettering style created using the ruled pen.  At the time it struck me that this phrase would also lend itself to raised  lettering.

Here is the piece “reimagined” as raised lettering.  

Inhale - Limestone - $280
Inhale – Limestone 

This piece of Indiana Limestone is available for hanging on your wall, maybe in your yoga area, rec room or outdoors?  

 Size: 11 3/4″ x 15 3/4″ x 1″.