Bloxham Studio
Letter CarvingSculpture in the home
The Muse - Back View - Purple/yellow Limestone

Sculpture in the home

When decorating our rooms it’s easier to know how to adorn our walls.  We see a painting or print we like and up it goes.  Job done.  Somehow though, sculpture stumps a lot of people.  I think sculpture needs to be touched so it needs to be somewhere accessible.  Maybe a windowsill, on a side table, on top of the fireplace or the dining room table perhaps? Here are a few of my sculptures in their new locales …

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Sometimes the sculpture is in low relief form, like this piece, The Temptress.  

The Temptress is available for purchase – can you imagine her on your wall perhaps?

Temptress - Low Relief and gold leafed lettering.

Temptress – Low Relief with gold leafed lettering..




Autem dicant cum ex, ei vis nibh solum simul, veritus fierent fastidii quo ea.
Cu solum scripta pro. Qui in clita everti
movet delectus.